Obtaining VAT number in Lithuania

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VAT is a widely used form of taxation in various countries that is added during the production and distribution of the value of a product or service. The amount of tax received by the manufacturer (seller) is paid to the budget, but minus the tax included in prices of goods purchased by him/her earlier. European VAT is an indirect tax, since the amount of tax is included in the cost of goods and is calculated upon purchase by consumer to seller, who, in turn, pays the tax to the state. Below weโ€™ll consider how to get this number in Lithuania.

Lithuania is ranked in worldwide top list in terms of easy doing commercial operations. Opening enterprises and starting commercials in Lithuania becomes easier and more convenient every year. Legal entities that carry out or intend to perform operations can voluntarily be certified as VAT payer. It is obligatory for an enterprise in case proceeds obtained from sold goods rendered exceed 45,000 euros. The right to count the input VAT is granted only to those having approved VAT number Lithuania. Ratable businesspersons possess rights to enter VAT on purchased goods (imports) in VAT report if such products are used in taxable activities of VAT taxpayer.

In particular, the following transactions are covered to value added tax number Lithuania:

  • goods supply;
  • goods acquisition within community;
  • services provision (implementation);
  • goods importation.

Two procedures for obtaining Lithuanian VAT might be distinguished: voluntary and obligatory.

Taxation in Lithuania

Getting EU VAT in this jurisdiction is obligatory in following cases.

  1. Citizens and firms registered in Lithuania, and investment funds, if economical activities are performed on territory of country when supplying goods throughout the year, and receive a payment of more than 45,000 EUR.
  2. Foreign businesspersons offering goods in state, from initiating economic deals there, i.e. regardless of the established limit of 45,000 EUR for citizens of Lithuania or organizations registered there.
  3. Lithuanians and foreigners purchasing goods in Lithuania from other EU states during calendar year more than 14,000 EUR.
  4. Foreign businesspersons receiving goods delivered to Lithuania during a calendar year, which is more than 125,000 litas.

The VAT report is submitted to Lithuania tax authorities by the 25th day of each month. If the company is a VAT payer, it is paid every month if any transactions were made. VAT number registration procedure is simple for VAT payers from EU countries, which allows them to trade through Lithuania.

VAT application means to collect and provide next-mentioned.

  1. Provide an office lease agreement in Lithuania.
  2. Provide at least 2 contracts with business partners who are VAT payers. Simultaneously, one of them needs to be certified as commercial entity in Lithuania.

Minimum authorized capital is EUR 2,500. It should be paid during firmโ€™s certification process. Cash contribution must be at least 2,500 EUR, the rest of the amount can be paid in property, the value of which is assessed by a certified specialist according to special rules. The monetary contribution can be transferred from the foreign bank account of the founder.

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