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Frequently asked questions

  • To incorporate a company in any jurisdiction, please contact our specialist, we’ll send you all relevant information.

  • You can find prices for company incorporation in Prices section, to get price for other services please contact our specialist via e-mail or contact form.

  • To obtain the new license, please contact our specialist, we’ll send you requirements and list of documents needed for the procedure.

  • We have wide range of ready-made companies available, to get details about specific company, please contact our specialist.

Why choose us?

Multy-faceted experience

During more than 15 years of intensive work on the market of legal services we examined thoroughly many modern business areas including Informational Technologies (ICO-projects, Blockchain technologies, traffic arbitrage, software development), financial services (Forex, payment systems) and foreign economic activity.

Comprehensive approach

By contacting ELI Lithuania you receive full advice and you may order a range of related services for incorporation of your business.

Individual decisions

There are only a few typical (basic) tasks, it is more often that every new client is a new unique task where additional services may be required among a standard range.

Data protection - 100% confidentiality

Our clients are fully protected from any unlawful information leakage from the technical point of view…

Every employee working with confidential information has signed a NDA(a Non Disclosure Agreement) and is responsible for its safety

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