Accounting services in Lithuania

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Accountancy is an unavoidable term in the execution of activities of a Lithuania-based business, the primary goal of which is to keep track of the history of an organization’s operations and receive a summary of the monetary performance. Under Lithuanian law, all businesses must report on their financial affairs. For this purpose, it is obligatory to employ a bookkeeper to ensure all business reporting remains in the correct arrangement.

Accounting services in Lithuania: main peculiarities

In the respect of the main obligations of accountancy, businesses must follow these rules:

  • Draw up and send a record with important particulars of the business that appears on the Companies Register.
  • For all business financial operations there must be created records in a proper manner.
  • Accountancy should include a fair overview of the company’s financial health.
  • All accountancy papers must be maintained for a minimum of ten years.
  • The activity of keeping records of all the money a company spends and receives cannot be conducted by the business director.

ELI Lithuania offers a full package of accountancy services for any business formed in Lithuanian jurisdiction. By assigning the task of remote bookkeeping to us, you obtain a comprehensive list of tax advisory and accountancy services, thus getting the possibility to concentrate on more significant aspects of running a business.

Consistent, well-documented accounting procedures and expert advice help your company flourish and stay safe from any unpredictable surprises. We’d like to service you no matter whether you are an international company or a domestic one-man business. We appreciate each client, regardless of size, turnover, or field of activity of the business.

How do we work?

We have launched the process of outsourced service and enhanced it a long time in a way that would greatly reduce the time and effort you have to spend in this respect. The whole accounting process can be described in the following way:

  • You submit the company’s papers;
  • We perform bookkeeping procedures;
  • You receive the company’s financial statements.

Advantages of working with us

A comprehensive package of accounting services in Lithuania – from payroll assessment to papers submission to the appropriate agencies.

Tax compliance services – we perform tax compliance services to know that accountancy and reporting is carried out in line with all local tax requirements

Expert advisory services – we are always at your service to answer your accountancy and tax-associated questions and deliver a professional and personal piece of advice.

Paperless approach –  using state-of-the-art IT solutions makes it possible for our clients to minimize the use of paper to a minimum.

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Frequently asked questions

  • To incorporate a company in any jurisdiction, please contact our specialist, we’ll send you all relevant information.

  • You can find prices for company incorporation in Prices section, to get price for other services please contact our specialist via e-mail or contact form.

  • To obtain the new license, please contact our specialist, we’ll send you requirements and list of documents needed for the procedure.

  • We have wide range of ready-made companies available, to get details about specific company, please contact our specialist.